• test lock up

    do stuff here

  • shredder

    It works good. I tried it out on so brush and grass over by the deer.Starts up a lot easier and quieter than the POS shredder I used a coupleweeks ago. Need to adjust the rear wheel, work/clean the PTO connector (it’shard to slip on the pto output shaft), adjust the rear wheel, but for…

  • pickles

    Had over 2 inches of rain yesterday and today. Tv in den was not working—had message that dual switch had problem—got it taken care of by phone tech help. Have to work tomorrow and some next week for girl who is taking 2 weeks leave of absence—cholesterol med gave her pains in upper part of…

  • mud dauber

    .took the Isuzu to auto repair place yesterday morn….just heard back from them..they checked it out overnite and did not find any leaks….should take it back if I see any more leaks… We had a great time staying at Joanie’s…I slept till 10AM and they were checking on me to see if I was OK…..Nick…

  • pipeline

    I talked to Brian about this…..this morning at 11:15 a man from Copano Field Services  came and talked about running a pipeline thru my property…..all the other people around here who are involved were contacted except me and another person…he said he usually calls by phone but could not find my name in phone book…the land is…