Author: mark

  • Growth Chart

    Charting the kids growth.

  • Hey buddy, you take your time. I’ll wait for you.

    Took the 5 yr old to first day of camp week at Veritas. For a before school starts activity week for the classes to get to know each other. Oh my. Tears. Not really screaming, but just got a call from the teacher that he finally calmed down and joined the rest of the class.…

  • Watermelon Seeds

    Mom: Why are there watermelon seeds all over the kitchen table? 5 yr old: Cause that’s what you do with them, you spit them out!!!!

  • Mr Backwards

    The boy’s end of school writing project. Written under inspiration of the Mr Men books from his dad’s childhood, it’s about Mr Backward meeting Mr Forward. The kicker is that he wrote the text backward. To emphasize the story I say, to hide his story from the rest of the class he says. Oh, and…

  • What mom says about cooking turnips

    They can be eaten raw: in salads, sandwiches Can add to an omelet or scramble Wash leaves well and dry. Cut off stems. Tear or cut into 1 inch pieces. Sauté onion and garlic in 1 tbsp olive oil. Add greens and sauté 5 to 10 minutes. Overcooking may cause bitterness (they are best in…