Author Archives: mark

that’s not a parking spot

The scene: Pulling into grocery store.

mom: Look, that car is parked in the ‘not a parking spot’ at the end of the aisle, on the white lines.
son: Mom, they have one of those blue hanging tags in their window with the wheelchair on it.
mom: Yes, that means they can park in the handicap spots. There are tons of those everywhere, and right in front of the store. They shouldn’t park on the lines.
son: Maybe they are blind.
mom: Yes, maybe they are blind.

i wish i was a fish

Son: Daddy, I wish I was a fish.
Dad: Why?
Son: That way I wouldn’t have to wash my hands all the time before I eat.
Dad: Oh, what about washing your food?
Son: I wouldn’t have to wash that either.

baseball cards from attic

made enough room in the closet at mom’s and put all the baseball cards (I think I got all of them) from the attic in there.  fun to look through some of the boxes and remember going to sam’s to buy boxes of cards, getting home to open all the packets, putting the gum in a jar, and then sorting the cards.  one cool find was a pamphlet from Al Somer’s umpiring school…inside was dad’s original application, a certificate of completion, a nice picture of all the umpire’s that were in his class, and, of course, a letter saying the league he was in was disbanding and therefore he’s out of a job.

